Contract Services
Home-to-school or adult training centre transport services are available for use by local authorities for service users with special educational needs and/or behavioural and mobility issues. This service provides regular transport services to and from passengers home address to SEN Schools and Adult Training centres, at regular times throughout the week, for Children and Young Adult Services (CAYA) and for Adult Care Services.

All staff (Drivers and Passenger Assistants) have current DBS clearance to enhanced level (allowing staff to work with children and adults) and are fully trained, in accordance with MiDAS (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme). Requirements for Driver and Passenger Assistant Training. Passenger Assistants are employed to care for passengers throughout the journey to ensure everyone travels safely and comfortably. Regular crews are provided for these services, in order that continuity is maintained; an important factor to consider when proving transport services for adults and children who experience difficulties dealing with change.

Accessible vehicles can be provided to accommodate wheelchair users, and those with mobility issues. Staff are trained to secure wheelchairs and their occupants and in how to recognise defective or faulty wheelchairs.
Community Transport Swadlincote has provided home-to-school/training centre transport since 1984, and during this time have built up working relationships in and out of the County. As such we can offer a wealth of experience for the transport needs of vulnerable adults, children and young people.
Policies and procedures apply to this service